Proud to be Particular
Our Maritime Heritage

“I’m hooked on the sea, just like dad was, and I was on and off boats all through my childhood”

Amy's grandfather's Naval book
Amy's father, William, right

Amy is hooked on the sea, just like her dad, and was on and off boats all through her childhood. “I always knew that a life based around fishing was for me, and spent years grafting my way to the top of the ladder in various shore-based roles. I’ve learned from experience every aspect of the seafood sector, travelling far and wide along the way”.
Today, she knows exactly how to create products that are utterly delicious, and precisely how to bring them to your table fantastically fresh. All of this with minimal impact on the seas her family was raised on: “the environment I still love today“.

“I’ve learned from experience every aspect of the seafood sector, travelling far and wide along the way”
Amy's grandfather in Royal Navy uniform
Amy's dad, centre
Some of the crew filleting
Amy's grandfather, left
Amy's dad, below the wheelhouse